What attracts a younger woman to an older man?

So why would a younger woman choose an older man? Hollywood actress Catherine Zeta Jones who married 25-year-older Michael Douglas had a love at first sight kind of love story. Michael Douglas in an interview said, “Thirty minutes after meeting her I said you will be the mother of my children.”

Seems Catherine was instantly convinced. Jones and Douglas have a son and daughter now. They have a marriage that’s seen its ups and downs but they have been going strong.

So what do younger women look for in older men? Are they just sexually attracted to older men or it is something more? The attraction between older men and younger women sets off some obvious sparks which are hard to resist.

Sometimes it’s just sexual attraction while there are times that it turns out into something more meaningful. Whether or not the relationship is meaningful or sexual, purely depends on compatibility and differs from person to person. Here are 11 things that attract a younger woman to an older man.

When you actually fall in love, age is just a number.

1. They are more responsible and mature

We all agree that men act like grown-up kids or are as a man child. They run away from responsibilities and maturity is something you can’t expect from them. Many times, women find men of their age to lack a sense of responsibility.

Women get tired of doing all the work and seek someone who is responsible and will look after them, instead of vice versa. In the long run, married men become lazy and women feel that older men would still be able to understand their problems because of their maturity levels.

Women mature faster than men and seek someone to match their level of maturity. Older men are more responsible which make them ideal for such women.

2. A sense of security

Older men provide a sense of security which is an essential criterion for a happy relationship. Most of the time, older men are more accomplished in life. As and when they reach heights in their career, they procure certain assets to secure their future.

Women seek emotional and financial security, especially when they are thinking of settling down. Finding a man, who is able to make them feel both emotionally and financially secure, is something that draws them towards older men.

They feel more comfortable knowing that their future is secure with such a person. What attracts an younger woman to an older man is they are at that stage of their life where they have their assets and investments in place. The most attractive age for a man is mid 30s or early 40s when he has a stable income, looks and libido on his side.

3. They are more experienced

Older men have played the field for a longer time and are more experienced in handling women. Their experience with women makes them adept in understanding women. They can deal with a woman’s mood swings and can also comfort them with the right words and actions.

Younger women feel more comfortable with older men because they know all the right words to say when they feel pulled down. Older men make them feel emotionally secure.

Also older men handle adverse situations better, they do not jump to conclusions, are calm and reasonable. A younger woman finds an older man a reassuring presence in her life.

4. The daddy issues

Women with daddy issues usually get easily attracted to older men. They want the next male figure to be someone who is the opposite of their father. Someone who understands her like her father didn’t.

In the attempt of seeking someone unlike her father, younger women find older men as a replacement of their father. They seek a mentor, a friend and someone to give them advice. In the process, these younger women get attracted to the wisdom and maturity of older men and fall for them.

They want to be protected, sheltered, taken care of and that is what drives an younger woman towards an older man. Especially a woman, who has been emotionally distant with her father all her life, will want an older man who would give her that emotional security.

5. They know what they want in life

If you ask a guy of your age what he wants in life, he will either stare at you with a blank expression or will give you some immature answer like, “Playing video games all my life” or “Nothing but sleep”. The same response from an older man will be about his ambitions, his career objectives and his future prospects.

Older men are driven by goals and direction which is what makes younger women get attracted to them. And then by the time you figure out that you are married to a wrong person, it is too late.

This is because women are usually more mature than men and they look for someone who would match their level of maturity.

6. Their mysterious aura

Sexy older men have this sense of mysteriousness around them. The frowns on their forehead or the seriousness in their face say that there’s something deeper to them and you can’t help but want to know more about their story.

The lesser an older man talks about himself, the more you want to know about him. Blame it on chick flicks or rom-com movies, you feel as if he has a dreadful past and you want to act like the girl who revived him from it and brought happiness back into his life again.

A man who has lived his life has stories to tell of adventures and struggles, of failures and success and that can be mesmerising to a young woman.

7. They are more understanding

Older men are more understanding than younger men. They don’t fight over small issues and make a big deal about it. Older men are more patient and will try to find the root of the problem and resolve the issue rather than playing the blame game.

Their conflict resolution skills are exceptional. They keep their calm and will try to understand you first before jumping to conclusions. Women find this attractive because they feel like older men understand their feelings, value their emotions and know how to respect them.

Older men know how to choose their battles right and would not heckle and hassle a young lady over the smallest of things. Petty fights is what they would abhor and a relationship with them could prove to be strong and peaceful.

8. They aren’t afraid of marriage

Younger women eventually get tired of heartbreaks and look for settling down with someone who isn’t going to break their heart anymore.

Older men make the perfect match because at that time they are looking towards settling down with someone. They aren’t afraid of marriage and make such women feel secure and assure her that this is not going to end up like another fling of theirs.

Younger women feel that finally, they aren’t going to suffer another heartache. But can an older man love a younger woman? Yes, with all his heart. That’s why some younger woman – older man love stories are so successful.

9. They make a good sugar daddy

Younger women get easily attracted to older men because sometimes all they are looking for is to be a sugar baby. Younger men and women like easy money and don’t mind dating older people for it.

They want someone to pay their bills and give them a lifestyle they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Some younger women want sugar daddies to give them expensive gifts that they can show off in front of others, something which would make them socially desirable and boost their ego.

An older man would give her all these perks which she would otherwise not be able to afford. Some young women prefer to cash in on the older man attraction signs to get into a relationship that works in their favour.

10. They are good in bed (really? debatable)

If there’s one more thing older men have more experience in, it’s with women. Older men are more experienced in bed too and know how to satisfy their women sexually. They understand sex is not only for them but also for the women.

There’s this sexual chemistry between an older man and a younger woman that does wonders in bed too. It’s hard for the spark to go off when you’re dating an older man. If you always think, “Why am I sexually attracted to older men?” the reason is that they know how to make you feel good in bed, that’s why.

11. The heart wants what it wants

Sometimes a younger woman dating an older man has nothing to do with his age. We say that love is blind and the heart wants what it wants. After all, there is no set age difference for a great marriage! Sometimes it’s just compatibility and understanding just makes them click.

Cupid can strike anywhere and at any time. It can bring two totally opposite people together, even if they have a huge age gap. For people whose age isn’t a factor, a huge age gap doesn’t make a difference.

Can an older man love a younger woman? How does it feel like dating older men? Dating an older man will make you feel that you’ve finally found someone who wants the same thing as you.

However, there are some important things that you need to think about. Will this person be able to handle your immaturity or will he treat you like a child? What are his plans for children? Where do you see your future with him? You need these questions answered as you don’t want to end up like Monica Geller who had to leave Richard because he didn’t want kids.